


Location: In China Address: Jincheng Times Square, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Henan Province / In Nigeria Address: 19B Kudirat Abiola Way Olusosun Bus stop, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
How to prepare yellow garri with modern technology?

How to prepare yellow garri with modern technology?

​ Yellow garri is very popular among African peoples, which supports a large potential ma...

African cassava agro processing equipment

African cassava agro processing equipment

​Cassava agro mainly includes garri, cassava flour, cassava starch, cassava chips and etc...

What equipment can sieve starch water from cassava dough?

What equipment can sieve starch water from cassava dough?

Starch water sieving process, also called starch dehydration is one of key sections in sta...

Potato starch recovery machinery

Potato starch recovery machinery

The potato starch recovery machinery has three parts, including cleaning, processing, and ...

2ton per hour capacity flash dryer for cassava starch

2ton per hour capacity flash dryer for cassava starch

The flash dryer is one of thekeyequipment for cassava starch production.And highquality st...

What is cassava granule? How to make cassava granule?

What is cassava granule? How to make cassava granule?

Cassava granule,also called garri, is main edible food in West African countries like Nige...