


Location: In China Address: Jincheng Times Square, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Henan Province / In Nigeria Address: 19B Kudirat Abiola Way Olusosun Bus stop, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

What machine can grind cassava?

The professional machine used to grind cassava is cassava grinding machine. The cassava grinding machine designed by DOING Holdings - Henan Jinrui has a special design. After grinding, the cassava mash can be separated with starch slurry automatically which is more convenient for user to take cassava mash for further production. If you want to know more about the cassava grind machine, please read more.

machine can grind cassavaCassava grinding machine

The structure of cassava grinding machine mainly includes licker roller, toothed shaft, adjusting plate, brush, screen, shell, frame, transmission device and motor.

The working process of cassava grinding machine:

The licker roller is driven by the high-speed rotating rotor and the surface of the licker roller is in contact with the cassava raw material by friction and extrusion to achieve the purpose of grinding cassava. The cassava grinding machine in DOING Holdings - Henan Jinrui has a high yield rate which is good quality, no lumps, evenly and finely grinding. It usually used for garri production and cassava flour production.

machine can grind cassavaCassava grinding machine is working

Features of cassava grinding machine:

1. It is made of stainless steel which ensures the whole production process is clean and hygienic. Also it can ensures the quality of the final product.

2. Productive. The cassava grinding machine can finish grinding, slurry separation and slag discharge at one time.

3. Good treatment effect. The starch content in the treated residue was less than 2%.

This cassava grind machine has a small investment. It is suitable for users with limited cost budget or small planting area of raw materials. It has a strong function, but the price is low which is a good choice. Welcome to contact us to get more information.

Contact list

Want to know more about our products or services? Fill out the contact form below, and we’ll to get back to you and you will get the price list. Please also feel free to contact us by email or phone.( * Denotes a required field).

  • Do you want to buy machine?
  • Yes, I want to buy machine
  • No, I Just learning
  • What is your raw material?
  • Cassava
  • Potato
  • Sweet potato
  • Others
  • 2. What is the final product you want to produce?
  • Garri
  • Cassava flour
  • Cassava starch
  • Cassava chips
  • Attiekie
  • Bammy
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale garri machine
  • 1ton per day
  • 2tons per day
  • 3tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • 200tons per day
  • 300tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • Middle type
  • Large scale
  • What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • 200tons per day
  • 300tons per day
  • Others
