


Location: In China Address: Jincheng Times Square, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Henan Province / In Nigeria Address: 19B Kudirat Abiola Way Olusosun Bus stop, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Potato starch recovery machinery

In recent years, more and more clients have wanted to venture into potato starch processing. Henan Jinrui Food Company as one of much-experienced starch machine manufacturer provides some details about potato starch recovery machinery.

Firstly the potato starch recovery machinery has three parts, including cleaning, processing, and drying part. The cleaning part is used to remove potato material impurities and clean potato tubers better. In the processing part, we will use a machine to grate potato tubers, sieve fibers, desanding, sieve proteins, dewatering, etc. Then we can get pure and wet potato starch with 38%-40% moisture. The final part is drying and sieving to get high quality potato starch.


If you want more details on the potato starch recovery process, you can read also [Potato starch processing machine].

Potato starch recovery machinery can be divided into different grades by different machine configurations. For example: the grating machine will influence the grating rate and final starch extraction rate. The client chose a hammer milling machine and the rasper machine has different extraction rates. Moreover, choosing different separate fiber machines will also influence the starch rate.

Henan Jinrui Food Company is a company specializing in starch processing projects, we can provide customers with different types and configurations of starch plant production lines according to the actual processing volume and investment budget of processing users. The daily processing capacity of different types of starch production lines is also different. If you are interested in the potato starch recovery machinery, please contact us.

Contact list

Want to know more about our products or services? Fill out the contact form below, and we’ll to get back to you and you will get the price list. Please also feel free to contact us by email or phone.( * Denotes a required field).

  • Do you want to buy machine?
  • Yes, I want to buy machine
  • No, I Just learning
  • What is your raw material?
  • Cassava
  • Potato
  • Sweet potato
  • Others
  • 2. What is the final product you want to produce?
  • Garri
  • Cassava flour
  • Cassava starch
  • Cassava chips
  • Attiekie
  • Bammy
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale garri machine
  • 1ton per day
  • 2tons per day
  • 3tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • 200tons per day
  • 300tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • Middle type
  • Large scale
  • What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • 200tons per day
  • 300tons per day
  • Others
